Just crave for a little spice, sourness, and tasty food! Nothing’s wrong or does it stop you! Especially those cravings during pregnancy, the true reasons being mood swings, food habit changes, and metabolism variations or even other stressful situations when you think good food is vital to bind yourself together and carry on for the next day, then you must taste a pinch of this chinthakaya thokku chicken pickle or the raw tamarind chicken achar.
Parageusia or dysgeusia that arises during pregnancy is common among women. It is just a dysfunction or distortion in the sense of taste especially in the first trimester, but still, the growth of the fetus is very important during this time and nutrition is a must for which you should consume enough protein content too. Now you can easily control morning sickness and be ensured with enough nourishment with our raw tamarind chicken achar from FreshlyPickled and Pickles.
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